Monday, March 6, 2017

New Blog!

Hi Everyone,

I have decided to move on from publishing on this blog. Originally I started my Teaching Career in the Primary Grades, hence the westcoastprimaryteacher blog title and website. However, I have now spent more time as an Intermediate Teacher, I have taught Grade 4/5 for the last two years and find my career direction will continue on an Intermediate Grade path. The one constant though has been my Teaching Philosophy routed in Social Emotional Learning. It is just who I am as a Teacher and what I believe in as an Educator. I've also started a Masters Degree in Human Development, Learning and Culture, concentration in Self-Regulated Learning. Therefore, I have decided to update my blog and have rebranded my blog, exported my documents and added to my resources. Please follow my journey as an educator at

I have some resources on Communicating Student Learning Digitally with Freshgrade and other interesting resources. Check it out!

Thanks for your support!

~ Lyndsay

Friday, October 23, 2015

New Page on the Blog ~ SEL and Self-Reg books

Hi Everyone,

It has been a while since I last posted. We are well into the start of a new school year and the adventure has really begun. Not only am I working full time, and volunteering, but I decided to take a graduate course at UBC on Teaching Children's Literature. Loving the course so far, and all of its practical uses in the classroom. One of the course assignments has also allowed me the opportunity to create a new blog post and share some information with you on books that I love in the Social Emotional Learning and Self-Regulation category. I have handpicked the suggestions myself, personally read, tested, and loved. I hope you find a new book or author that might fit into your classroom, lesson and storytime. The blog page can be found here:

Happy Reading and Happy Fall!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Back to school time and Tips for New TTOC's

Its that time of year again, the air is getting a bit colder and damper, the sun a little less hot, and the kids and teachers are getting ready to return to the classroom. Its back to school time. I am excited for what this year holds, and the new students and staff that I get to meet and work with. It will be my second year of teaching, and for all those that are new to teaching I have a few tips for TTOC'ing that made my days a little easier.


1.) Introduction: Start your day with a morning meeting. I always greet each student with a good morning at the door. I let them have a chance to get their backpacks away, chairs out and greet their peers. Then when the noise level and commotion starts to slow down I say a formal good morning to all the students together and introduce myself, let them know something about me for instance I love to Figure Skate, or my favourite colour is turquoise. I also give a little background about my job. I usually say that I have the fantastic job as a teacher where I get to travel around to different schools across the district, meet new students daily, and teach different grades. Some days I teach kindergarten, other days its grade 7, and I have taught may grades just like yours. I tell them that although their teacher wont be present today we are going to have an awesome day of learning together, and that today is going to be a great day. I let them know that I have the same expectations for them as their teacher does. Next I take attendance. I usually put out a morning question, allowing me to get to know the students a bit better, whether its a favourite colour, 1 about me fact to share etc. Even though this takes a bit longer it pays off throughout the day because I have something to strike up conversation with, or refer to, use during a teachable moment, and above all it helps me remember names better.

2.) Positive and meaningful praise, you can really build quick relationships by praising students in the room about work, attitude, thoughtfulness, supporting classroom community, responsibility etc. Let them know that their teacher would be proud of them, you can even tell them that you will leave a note of praise or mention to the principal what a great group they are. Don't forget to give meaningful praise to little things too.

3.) Brainbreaks- Recognize when the students need a break, have a few trusted brainbreak activities with you or quick game like or thinking activities. By giving them a chance to do something new to them  find goes miles in making students cheery and the day go smooth. Some students may need more breaks than others, classroom jobs, small errands, or a quick story work well to help students who are frustrated or need a quick break.

4.) Rules/Read Aloud- if you have a younger group that needs rules reiterated a book that has Social Emotional Learning concepts in it or Self Regulation topics works well, I like Clark the Shark by Bruce Hale for Self-Regulation and following rules within the classroom (K-4)  and Do Unto Otters for Manners (gr.1-4). For older students needing a refresher on rules a class meeting works well, make sure to discuss what needs improvement and what is going well.

5.) Say Goodbye- Always leave enough time at the end of the day to say goodbye, thank them for sharing their classroom, learning with them. A bit of reflection on the day, teachable moments, and checkout remarks as well as go over any reminders.

6.) Notices- Put those suckers where you'll remember them, seriously! Tape them to the door if you have to :) Really....... I give you permission.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

New Beginnings and Adventure TTOC'ing

Hello Blog Readers,

Sorry it has been awhile since I last posted. There are a lot of new and exciting things to update you on. I have been hired by a large school district and am happy to report I have started my first year of teaching working full time as a Teacher Teaching on Call, or TTOC as the school system calls it. This has been a fantastic experience that has given me the chance to teach in different grades, schools, and try different positions like librarian. It has been really great professional development. On a daily basis I get to see students from different schools take pride in their work, leadership in the classroom, participate in acts of kindness, work as a team, be excited about what they are learning. They attend great schools that have fabulous caring staff which foster education, innovative learning, self-awareness, SEL just to name a few. Although I may only be with a class for a few hours or a few days the student impact on me is great. I know its not easy, and even scary for some students to be met at the door by a new teacher, but as I always say and believe "we are going to have a lot of fun learning together today; today is going to be a great day!"

In conclusion, to my students and fellow school staff: Thank you for welcoming me into your school and classroom and making me feel loved and appreciated.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

New Page Added ~ Community Field Experience

Hi Blog Readers, I just added a new page titled Community Field Experience to my Teacher Blog. This page provides me the space to chronicle my Community Field Experience in rural BC for my 3 week practicum and post lots of pictures. Take a look if you have some time, I will add to it whenever time permits.

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Self-Regulation Inquiry

New resource page added under the tab "Self Regulation Inquiry". This space provides information and a copy of my poster about my Inquiry project centered around Self-Regulation and Social Emotional Learning.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

First post on my new blog!

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for taking the time to visit and read my new blog. I hope to make this a place to share my experiences, teaching resources, and lesson plan ideas. I am new to the blogging world so thanks for your patience!