Thursday, March 19, 2015

New Beginnings and Adventure TTOC'ing

Hello Blog Readers,

Sorry it has been awhile since I last posted. There are a lot of new and exciting things to update you on. I have been hired by a large school district and am happy to report I have started my first year of teaching working full time as a Teacher Teaching on Call, or TTOC as the school system calls it. This has been a fantastic experience that has given me the chance to teach in different grades, schools, and try different positions like librarian. It has been really great professional development. On a daily basis I get to see students from different schools take pride in their work, leadership in the classroom, participate in acts of kindness, work as a team, be excited about what they are learning. They attend great schools that have fabulous caring staff which foster education, innovative learning, self-awareness, SEL just to name a few. Although I may only be with a class for a few hours or a few days the student impact on me is great. I know its not easy, and even scary for some students to be met at the door by a new teacher, but as I always say and believe "we are going to have a lot of fun learning together today; today is going to be a great day!"

In conclusion, to my students and fellow school staff: Thank you for welcoming me into your school and classroom and making me feel loved and appreciated.

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